- Learn the basics of teaching students how to think critically, behave safely, and participate responsibly in the digital world. This is a free one-hour tutorial to get an introduction to digital citizenship and the resources available from Common Sense Education. Complete the survey at the end of the course to receive your training completion confirmation from Common Sense Education.
- A 45-minute interactive online course for educators that will introduce the topic of student online privacy and offer best practices for managing the risks to students. Complete the survey at the end of the course to receive your training completion confirmation from Common Sense Education.
- All students should have the opportunity to build critical 21st-century skills. Check out the Spanish resources available from Common Sense Education. Find Spanish-language videos, lesson activities, family tips, and more to use in the classroom or send home.
- Google for Education: Digital Citizenship and Safety Course. Learn the importance and benefits of teaching your students online safety skills.